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4 Myths About HVAC Energy Savings

Updated: Sep 13, 2018

Everyone seems to have an opinion about the best way to save energy in the summer. Contractors will tell you that their product is the best way to save energy, while friends and family will suggest their own cooling cheats that they think are helpful. Unfortunately, this information isn’t always backed up with fact. Amidst all the well-meaning advice, you may have taken in a few common misconceptions about HVAC energy savings. Do any of these myths sound familiar?

Turn Off the A/C When You Leave the House

On paper, this seems like a smart way to save on cooling costs. If you’re not using it, why have it on? We apply the same logic to light switches, and it makes sense there. However, when it comes to your A/C, this isn’t the smartest way to save energy. The reason is that your AC uses quite a bit of energy simply to power on and cool the whole of your house. Every time you turn it off and back on, it starts that process again. It actually takes less energy to adjust the temperature somewhat when you leave the house and then lower it to your default when you get home.

Attic Fans Will Lower Your Energy Bills

Attics tend to be the hottest part of the house because of heat’s rising nature. Many homeowners fret over how to efficiently cool the attic, and some see the solution in getting an attic fan. But this can actually be counterintuitive. Attic fans draw air conditioned air into the attic...and away from the livable part of the house. This means your A/C will have to work all that much harder to keep the rest of the house cool, and that will cost you more energy, not less.

Lowering the Thermostat Will Make the A/C Work Faster

Some homeowners are of the opinion that the lower their thermostat, the faster their home cooling works. Actually, the setting of your thermostat doesn’t have anything to do with how quickly your A/C will cool your home. It does, however, affect how long the A/C runs and, by extension, how much you pay for cooling costs. The lower your thermostat, the more energy you use, and without the desired effect of fast cooling.

Closing Vents in Unused Rooms is Energy Efficient

This is another one that seems like it makes all the sense in the world, unless you understand the mechanics of your HVAC system. It seems rational not to cool the rooms that no one’s using. However, central HVAC systems are designed to distribute cooling evenly, and they won’t stop trying to do so simply because a vent is closed. What this actually does is apply pressure to the closed vents, potentially causing leaks.

Energy savings is important, but you want to be sure you have the right information and don’t fall for “energy efficient” tactics that are actually counterproductive. For more information about how to save energy in Bryan-College Station, contact Air Solutions today.

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